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LSPL Calculator CSV Upload Intructions

File Format

Each CSV File should have a header line. Headers have to be patient_id, bp, hr, rr, temp, avpu, bmi, and age, in no particular orders.

The following header is acceptable.

patient_id, bp, hr, rr, temp, avpu, bmi, age

The following header is equally acceptable.

patient_id, hr, rr, bp, avpu, bmi, age, temp

The CSV parser uses the comma symbol (,) as the separator. White spaces are ignored.

Hence the following header is acceptable.

patient_id,	bp,		hr, rr, temp,            avpu, bmi, age

Immediately after the line of header, data should follow in the order described by the header.

The following is an exmaple of accepted CSV file.

patient_id,bp, hr, rr, temp, avpu, bmi, age
i565456,110,77,40,37,unresponsive, 20, 70
j14543,100,110,43,39,react_pain, 50, 110

A CSV file can contain over 10,000 lines, but we recommend you to limit the file to 5,000 lines to avoid crashing your browser. The CSV parser will read the file in your browser line by line. If a line contains fewer items than described in the header, the line is skipped.

If you would like to use our algorithm to validate your data, you can include an extra field in the CSV file. In the header line, please name it as "result." The result field should be of boolean data type. Once the data is feeded into our system and processed, you can view the ROC curve and the AUC value.