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Machine Learning in Medicine
Proudly presented by Neural and Data Science Lab
Microsoft Azure
Worldwide Access
Azure Cloud Migration

Our platform has found a new home in Northwell Azure. This enables us to open doors to all Northwell team members.

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Let Sleeping Patients Lie

A predictive clinical calculator based on past vital signs

Check it out (Partner access only)

Northwell COVID-19 Survival

A predictive clinical calculator based on routine test values

Check it out

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Notice to Northwell team members: soon you will be able to login with your Northwell universal network ID.
Latest Calculators and Platforms
lspl background image
Let Sleeping Patients Lie
nocos 2022 May bg
Northwell COVID-19 Survival (May 2022)
Machine Learning in Medicine ( is the digital algorithm validation platform of the Neural and Data Science Lab.
Our in-network researchers and clinicians, as well as outside collaborators and partners, can use this digital platform to validate clinical algorithms at anytime and from anywhere.
Calculators for single and portable use
Calculators are designed with simplicity and portability in mind. Healthcare professionals can access the calculators with any device and from anywhere with an Internet connection. Simply enter vital signs or test values, and an AI-powered prediction will be made immediately.
Disclaimer: Predictions should not be used alone to guide patient care, nor should they substitute clinical judgement. See full disclaimer
LSPL mobile view
NOCOS mobile view
LSPL desktop view
Workbenches for batch processing and cross validation
Workbenches are made with scalability and visualization in mind. Researchers can enter thousands of entries at a time for an one-click batch processing. Workbenches provide the ability to download result CSV files, as well as generating analytical charts for cross validation purposes.
Workbenches are available to partners only. If you are intereted to become a partner, please contact the Lab.
Workbench tabulation
Analytical charts